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Ecological Data

In a first step data from the project teams of SMNK (SMNK_ARAMOBcoll), UBC-RWTH (RWTHSpidercoll) and of SMNS were integrated (see project team). Since 2023 data several arachnologists send data, which were made available by importing in the Diversity Workbench databas of AraGes. 

In the second volume of the AraGes journal Arachnologischen Mitteilungen/Arachnology Letters a first data paper will be published end of 2023, and in the future regularly published data will be integrated and managed in the ARAMOB database. 

Metadata, i.e. information on content, context, quality, structure and provenance of (the selected) data collections (from individual studies), are available under the tab Projects. This enables to contact the dat aholders for further information. 

Filter/Select data by a click in the respective field, results appear in the right.

Data basis (see above)

Project: A single project (data collection of an individual study) can be selected to explore the data structure (under the tab Study data). The list shows all metadata enriched data collections (to date restricted to data from SMNK). Metadata are available under the tab Projects.

A species has to be selected by first selecting a family and a genus. Due to juvenile spiders, identified only to the family level, families appear in the lists of genera and species.

By the fields Year (start) and Year (end)  a period can be selected.

Country: To date only data from Germany and a few very close regions are integrated.

Landscape: Naturraum of the 3. level from Ssymanck.

Habitat type (EUNIS): All localities were assigned to a EUNIS (2012) category of the 2.-4. level.

Landscape (at different levels) and EUNIS (as well as BfN) habitat can be picked from the respective thesauri in the Diversity Workbench environment.

It may be necessary to reset selection after the use of several fields for a search, to refresh the results.

The results of search/filtering are shown as:

  • Map of sampling localities (plots): first scaled to show all localities with data, therefore several close-by localities are clustered together, but spread when zooming in. A click on a single locality pin  opens a pop-up window with a list of species for the plot.
  • Study data enclose number and gender of the individuals of a species per sampling event, the end date of the sampling period, the locality, habitat type, sampling method and the specimen-Id of a voucher (e.g. SMNK-ARA xxxxx) or specimen-Id of the data object (SMNK-STUD xxxxxx) in the source data base; the number of specimens (not individuals!) is given in the upright corner. These and a few more data fields can easily be exported in a csv format for individual data management.  
  • Species list (or family/genus for juvenile individuals), species number is given in the upper right corner. Can be exported.

The data presented here may be used under a Creative Commons 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0). Available data were quality checked by us, however we cannot guarantee correctness and accuracy. The responsability for a selection and the results and consequences of use is carried by the user.

Downloaded/analysed data collections have to cited as:

ARAMOB Daten aus https://aramob.de [Datum des Zugriffs]
ARAMOB data accessed via https://aramob.de [Date of access].

Most filter fields allow only selection of one item. In the field Locality appears a list of all localities including the typed letters (e.g. Schwarzwald oder Karlsruhe). Without a click the offered list can be selected by selecting an item in any other field (e.g. SMNK-ARAMOBcoll in data basis or Germany in the Country field.  

Example: Click Reset Selection (or refresh the page), type Wald in the field Locality - Bayerischer Wald, Bienwald, Schwarzwald, each with several localities will appear, type for example Bienwald and click on SMNK-ARAMOBcoll in the field data basis. this results in 2.845 data objects (15. March 2023).

Number of results: 102.272 1.434 23