ARAMOB was a German project aiming at consolidating and mobilising data from systematic studies on the ecology of spiders in Germany through this online portal. The underlying data management is done with the modularized database system Diversity Workbench. This framework was enhanced as a virtual research environment for arachnology by including lists, thesaury and trans-modular functions and tools helpful for data management in studies of spider taxonomy and ecology. The ARAMOB database will serve as repository for ecological data on spiders from Germany, provided by the Arachnologische Gesellschaft (AraGes) in the sense of the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio). Through the portal or direct use of the database with Diversity Workbench data will be available to members of the AraGes for ecological analyses of spider species and assemblages, e.g. occurence and distribution, phenology, habitat preferences, ecological preferences, indication of habitat quality, a.o.
The use of the modules DiversityCollection and DiversityDescriptions in taxonomic (revisionary) work was tested by the development of description schemes for Neotropical jumping spiders (Salticidae: Euophryini: Corythalia) and Asian theraphosid spiders (Theraphosidae: Ornithoctoninae). Data collected and produced during taxonomic work (description, revision) should also be managed in a standardized way and be mobilized/provided to other researchers for future work.